The Unsung Hero, Charly Boy, A.K.A, Area Fada, the Echoes of his Unending Legacies. ~ .A. Patrick IP

 A reconstruction of, or say, an interpretation of one of Shakespeare’s famous and most celebrated quotes in Julius Ceaser, “Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and is heard no more; it’s a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing,” can be put thus: Life seems so lengthy and endless to a man but in reality, it is very temporal and ephemeral; very short and brief. Compared with a shadow a walking shadow even. Let’s frame our minds to picture the abstract nature of shadows, how intangible it is even though after reflection, we can see the effects of light in shadows and how intangible it is, that’s how life is.

 It appears from the outside to mean so much, and to last so long or forever, but in truth, it’s like a poor player that struts and frets its hour upon the stage and is heard no more. Image a player/an actor on the stage, pulling all his theatrical skills to entertain his watchful and expectant spectators. At that moment on the stage while he’s still entertaining his audience, the euphoria of the events would linger as the actor still mounts the stage, as soon as he ‘struts and frets his hour upon the stage’, he leaves the stage and the actor is forgotten when another actor comes up on the stage. Interestingly, that stage is the earth, the world we live in. Shakespeare further liken life to ‘a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Now imagine the busy and much active activities of life and the later quiet and silent world we are lodged into when death kisses us good bye! It then tells us more about the meaningless and nothingness of life!

  This whole lengthy and busy world is brief, very temporal and ephemeral! Our glowing candles may go off anytime, any day, and our fanciful and much pampered bodies will be laid to rest in the warmth of the hollow earth, the gazing and gluttonic grave. And when we are gone, our memories go with us. The memories of all those many times on the stage will fade with us. But in the view of the Morality Plays writers, only the ‘good deeds’ we did while on earth will be remembered. This notions forms the thematic preoccupations of one of the M3 plays, (mystery, miracle and morality plays), Every Man. Though a sharp contrast is laced here as can be seen in the all-time celebrated speech of Mark Anthony. 

His statement need not to be a contradiction to the hallmark of the Morality plays theme. Mark Anthony’s comment is a bitter and sarcastic statement, intended mock the anti-Caesars, Brutus, Casius and the other conspirators who had termed Caesar as an ambitious leader in other to justify his murder and gain the supports of the teeming Plebs who loved Caesar. All bitter and sarcastic vituperations, though shrouded in insinuations, indirectness and euphemism can thus be rephrased: ‘so of all the many good things Caesar did that gained him the love and supports of his people, all that can be remembered is that “he was an ambitious man, drunk with too much power”.

 What a life! Just like an African proverb goes, ‘in other to kill a dog, you give it a bad name’, yes, Caesar was given a bad name in other to be killed, while his evil lives after him and the good was interred with him. What the Morality Plays’ proponents are saying is that, we are at liberty to choose what legacy to leave behind but it’s important to note that life is short and sweet, but whatever life one choses to live, only his ‘good deeds’ will stand to speak for him when he is gone!
  In this brief but endless world, all we can do is to play our parts, by lending a helping hand to make the world a better place in what the legendary M. Jackson termed in one of his classic songs, ‘Heal the World’. We all need to play our roles to heal the world and make it a better place for ourselves, our children and the generations unborn. Healing the world does not require one to move the net worth of Bill Gates, Dangote and Jeff Bezous, the much acquired world power like Donald Trump, or Putin, it does not require the mind-blowing dribbling skills of Ronaldo or Messi, not even the much oratory skills of Barrack Obama or Prof. Yemi Osibanjo, or the enchanting beauty of Agbani Darego or Regina Daniels. Lending a helping hand does not require us to be as creative like Wole Soyinka and Chinua Achebe or to be wonderful singers like Celine Dione, Simi, Davido, Wizkid, Richie and the rest. All it takes is to, in our different but unique, little but mighty and small but steady, give to humanity, whatever we can to make things turn around for good. If we put humanity first, if we see love, unity and progress as our watchwords, if we take concern for humanity as a priority, then we would be lending a helping hand to make the world a better place.

 In recent times, when people do things on the set/camera, not for the love for humanity but for the encomiums, appraisals and public show off for glorifications, it is wise that we take some time to celebrate the unsung heroes of our time. People that are genuinely emphatic and have been standing out to speak for the teeming and dying masses. People that have, in their very little but diligent, significant and remarkable ways, are contributing or have contributed to the general welfare of humanity irrespective of the colors of their skins, tribes or creeds. These set of people form the bulk of the category of the ‘unsung heroes’.

 The concept of the unsung heroes are those persons who have genuinely contributed to the betterment of mankind but have received little or no applaud at all. We cannot disprove the powers of gratitude; it makes a man to feel appreciated and moved to do even greater. Painfully and pitiably, two things account for why many heroes are unsung today. The major reason is when history is not properly documented and this presents a wrong account of the person’s personality and his noblest intentions maybe wrongly rephrased on the walls of history. Thereby making the later or the younger generation to perceive such a person in bad lights. This happens mostly in the political arena when oppositions set to defame and demean one another in defamation and character assassinations. Surely, where a hero’s deeds are not praised, may be in rare instances where those many good deeds are not captured in cam for public view or are not publicly displayed for everyone to see. Yea! Surprisingly right? 
 When the thoughts of our unsung heroes struck my mind, a ready name that kept ringing in the silence of my jousting mind is our own true hero, the living legend one of Africa’s very best, a voice to the voiceless, father of the boys, a renowned and fearless liberator, one of Africa’s very best social cum political reformer and a mouthpiece of the dying and teaming masses, who understands the plights and yearnings of the people and even makes the move to speak to the powers that be, without fear of favor. The thoughts of our very corrosive, and diplomatically radical reformer, Charly Boy, A.K.A Area father hits me hard and leaves me in pains. Seeing the many philanthropic gestures he has done and he is still doing makes my knees to fall down in prayers for him every day. What marvels me the most is how he continually pushes on despite the bad light he has been pichered in many occasions of advocacy, and how he still put humanity first even when no praises is accorded him. In my view and in all honesty, Charly Boy, A.K.A Area father has built a moment of memory in our hearts even though the world has turned blind to this hard truth. While scanning through the phletorial unapplauded heroes, one cannot comfortably erase the name Charly Boy and not be disturbed by the sleepless whispers of conscience!
 As my searchlight beams on him, it become necessary to walk down memory lane shortly with him. The all-time Area Fada, born Charles Chukwuemeka Oputa and even though the date of his birth remains a bone of contention (until 2011 when he celebrated his 60th birthday), what the lines of history awaits frequently is that he was born on the 19th of June, 1951. He is a Nigerian singer/songwriter, Tv presenter arguably one of Nigeria’s most controversial entertainers, who, like a few others, use music to pass his message of reformation and advocacy for good governance. It is obvious that this stylish icon is best known for his alternative biker lifestyle, dynamic and rubust political views and Tv productions, most notable and participated is the Charly Boy show. The Area Fada is the second son of the cerebral and highly reverenced Chukwuemeka Oputa, J.S.C as he then was anative of Oguta in imo state of Nigeria.
  If you are apprised with his historical antecedence, you will be marveled at the strict hands of fate as time unfolds. This is in the case of the Area Fada. In his early days, he had opted to become a priest but later, he left the seminary after a year. He was later sent to the United State to follow in the line of his father who was a hallowed lawyer. Charly wouldn’t want to be forced to live in another man’s dreams of becoming  lawyer, even though he has all it takes hence he proceeded into studying communication where he bagged a degree and delved fully into music and entertainments in a very strange but most unique manner that has today, carved a niche for him. Little did he know that the prophetic switch from studying law to communication is divine as today, many life are been liberated and hope restored back to the oppressed and downtrodden in his advocacy through music and mobilization. Most likely, his father C. Oputa, J.S.C as he then was, must have been so disappointed. His father, being one of the finest and well-polished jurists, with deep and lamely vast knowledge in Jurisprudence and well respected for his classic judgments that has formed locus classic in the Nigerian Legal system today would have wanted the Area Fada to follow his parts and subsequently wear his shoes. Clearly seeing, Charly Boy isn’t a pushover. He knows what he wants and goes for it!
 Even though the Area Fada started gaining grounds in the music world around 1985, with the release of Nwata Miss which also included the title track, he had already started out into the music industry as far back as 1982 when he had released a highlife album. The Area Fada is unarguably a political critic and a proponent of social cum economic reformation. His genre of criticism can be grouped into advocacy through music and direct grassroots mobilizations. The thematic preoccupation of his songs are clear testimonies to this assertion. In the year 1996, he released an album which centers its focus on the then military government and the reoccurring and alarming traces of corruption and social disorder. At this point, it will be worthy of note that we must commend his audacity and courage to lampoon the government of the time. Being a military government, no one dares to say a word against the power that be, either expressly or impliedly. But the over fearless Area Fada, through the strength of a minstrel, fetched from the muscles of the microphone rose and challenged the military government. This is so courageous! A careful study of Prof. Niyi Osundare’s “Not my Business” pictures the horrors of the Nigerian military rule, especially the slow and continuous killing of the perceived oppositions. Considering the tensions of the period, several radio stations shyed away from playing the album for the fear of being used as a scapegoat by the existing military government. The threats to his life didn’t deter nor distract him from advocating for good governance and liberation of his people from the shackles of modern day slavery. He has always kept on pushing for the betterment of his people. He has been doing all this because of his unimpeachable love for humanity.
 The second genre of Charly Boy’s advocacy is through direct grassroots mobilization. One of such ready example is the “Our Mumu Don do” Movements. It is a movement solely geared towards promoting social justice. Just as the name implies, ‘Our mumu don do’, it’s a clarion call for rectitude, a wake up call on all Nigerians and extension, Africa, to realize that there is a need for everyone to wake up from slumber and rise up to make a positive change to the betterment of her nation. On the other hand, one can also perceive the ‘Our mumu don do’ movements as a direct and provocative retort to the sensibilities of our leaders that assume that the followers are gullible and the gullibility of the teeming masses should be capitalized upon. And in that vain, the response, no, ‘our mumu don do’ isn’t a bad idea at all.     

  One thing that stands him out amongst his contemporaries is his adamance, doggedness and fearlessness. In times of controversies and oppressions, his best courageous and vibrant features manifests.  According to him, it is better to die laughing than live each moment in fear.  One of his all time classic quotes includes "Why I go Fear? When I know say nobody comes out of dis life Alive. When I know dat there is nothing on the other side to Fear. I do not seek death. Death will find us where ever, however. So let’s seek the road which makes Death a fulfillment," 
The Area Fada is known as an advocate of the masses and this meritorious status is in honour of his selfless services to humanity, the downtrodden and oppressed. He has fought for the rights of the average Nigerians in countless occasions. He has on several times,  been tortured by the Nigerian police and the military for standing up to his country's government but this has never detered him from standing for the truth. Though, he is also, on some occasions, regarded as their friend, depending on the sensibility of those in power. Among the pletoria of protests he has led, the 'Resume or Resign' protest staged against the prolonged absence of the Nigerian president, President Muhammadu Buhari, is a testimony to the present time  governance we have today. Evidently, his protest sparked the sensibilities of many Nigerians who too, saw the prolonged absence of the President and demanded that he 'Resigned or Resumed',  what an impact! In the mid-nineties, Charly Boy fought for the rights of military pensioners during the Abacha-led military dispensation by marching to Defence Headquarters in Abuja to demand payments of their pension arrears. Recall that the Abacha led administration was a military government, led by one of the most dreaded Military Juntas and leading a protest was as good as bringing maggots infested palm fruits to one's thresholds, but this protest was led by the ever gallant and courageous activist, the Area Fada. 

He has also fronted campaigns for Nigerian Widows  and was founder of the Save Nigeria from Nigeria campaign during a presidential election. Again,  during the Fuel Subsidy protest in 2012, he was arrested alongside six other activists for civil disobedience. He was only championing a good course for the betterment of his country. Nothing more!  A staunch supporter and somewhat Patron of Okada Riders in Nigeria - an organisation that has been frowned on by government as they have been regarded as a menace and unsafe transportation.  He has fought for the rights of Okada users. The association comprise a set of people, most of whom are poor individuals who earn their living by using the Okada for commercial purposes; the Area Fada views them as a major fragments of the society who also play pivotal roles in government as most politicians engage their services during campaigns. He is greatly loved by the Okada people who view him as their only hope and last resort. His efforts overtime earned him the name Area Fada, a well deserved title. 

 The Area Fada has come a long way in the memory lane of activism. In 1990, he was among the Nigerian singers who supported Yvonne Chaka Chaka   (then the face of Pepsi in Africa ),  in a series of concerts and featured in a commercial for the brand with Femi Kuti and Evi-Edna Ogosi. He was one of the celebrities who organised fundraisers to support his old friend Tyna Onwudiwe who later died of lung cancer. The Area Fada has stood out for the masses in countless occasions. During the kidnap of the Chibok girls, he led a protest in Abuja, the country's capital, to demand the quick government's interventions. It will interest us to know that his scope of advocacy isn't limited only to the Nigeria scene, he goes beyond the shores of the country. The Libya Slave trade was a thing of great concern. Human trafficking was on the increase and the Area Fada, in his usual manner, took to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a protest that went viral immediately and called on several authorities to swing into action. He blamed the  government for falling her people by not living up to expectations. In his view, if the living conditions in the country were good, nothing would have necessitated the citizens to clamour for a greener pastures outside the country where they eventually meet their Waterloo. 

 The Area Fada also doubles as an inspirational writer as he focuses on various subjects in several newspapers including The Daily Post and his own publication Charly Boy Magazine, and has been known to write slogans on rocks in Abuja where he currently resides. If I want to list all his numerous activism for the welfare of his country, then we may have to stay here on the pages of paper until decades fall into another. 

The painful side of it is how little or no commendable is giving to an activist of this magnitude. This is bad! The world needs to celebrate people like this. People who risk their lives in order to make the world a better place for all, people who take the yearnings and plight of the masses as their own burden and work out modalities to ameliorate situations for good. A man like Charly Boy who sees the well being of the masses as his priority deserves to be celebrated and immortalized. Truly speaking and beyond sentiments, Charly Boy, A. K. A., The Area Fada deserves more. In my view, he's an unsung hero. We must learn to celebrate people while alive,  not in death, we sing eulogies to a dead man. This is a bad culture and should be discouraged in its entirety. I call on Nigerians and Africans to come join hands together let's encourage him so that he and many others in the line of social reformation will be encouraged to do more. 

In the spirit of keeping his legacy alive, I want to propose a 'Charly Boy Legacy Foundation', a foundation that will focus on social reformation, injustice, a last resort to the weak, oppressed and downtrodden and a Foundation geared towards setting and working out modalities for national revitalization. Please let's join hands and make this a reality! The legacies of Charly Boy must be kept alive forever! 

Long live Charly Boy! 
Long live the People's Advocate!
Long live the Area Fada! 
Long live Charly Boy Foundation! 
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria! 

Patrick Adoga IP, 
CEO of & MD, Momentum Global Service
Facebook Account. Ipuole Patrick Adoga
Instagram Account. Ipuolepatrickadoga
Twitter Account. Patrick Adoga IP. 
+23408020590802// +2348169548584

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