Today is another sad day in my life, how can I forget the many times we ate, slept and chatted together not as father and son but as friends. How can I forget the many times you assisted me in loading my luggages so I can go to school? The early mornings you took me to the park as early as 5:30AM? How can I forget the love and support you displayed on me and my siblings? You taught me humility, love, compassion and meekness of heart. In you l learnt how to respect people, loyalty, submissiveness, and how to treat others and how to be a husband and father.
Chief, it pains me that you didn't live to eat from me. It pains me that you died early. I promise to be the best father to my children and husband to my wife just as you taught me. I won't let you down, Papa The Great.
I remember with nostalgia, at about 2AM, how you came to my room to mentor me on the right choice of institution to attend with reasons. Two years down the line, I had every reason to say thank you because you were a man who saw tomorrow. A great visionary leader who was a man in his own class. Full of uncommon wisdom, highly tact, smart, yet calm, humble, yet exposed, always in control of every situation with the right approach to life's decisions and issues.
Ekpo Abi, with you there was never a dull moment. All you lived for was ensuring that others smiled and experienced true growth. You gave the best advice to your friends and all those who came in contact with you. You were a father with an egg head. In you, many learnt how to mentor their wards, today all those you guided in life are full of praises of your good works. What a good way to live.
My darling father, in times of great difficulties, you taught me to keep calm, pray, seek God and brave the challenges of life with the ultimate goal of conquering the storm. And that I have continued to practice.
Chief you were a father who was a disciplinarian, your strict nature has helped us in many ways. You stood for the right thing in life. A man who detasted evil, and strived to live right daily with God and those around you. That unique virtue of yours is one we cannot take for granted my man of legacy. All you believed in was that a "Good Name Is Better Than Gold". And of a truth, you were right as life has shown me that it is better to be a person of integrity than soiling one's hands just to attain a particular height in life.
I do not mourn you today, I celebrate your life and time here on the Earth. You lived a good life worthy of emulation. A life of content and character, style, brave, highly contagious and consummate. I know that you are watching over us your children and I can assure you once again that we won't let you down in any way. The things you left undone won't be abandoned, the legacy you promoted , as long as God gives me life I will continue to advance them.
Awo of Africa, thank you and thank you for mentoring me, teaching and guiding me to the right path. I do not take your love and affection for granted my ever loving and humble father.
Continue to sleep with the Lord.
Your Son !
The Great Boy